Monday, May 10, 2010

Week# 11 Twitter

Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

Even after exploring the site more then I have in the past I still don’t really get the appeal. Other then reading the tweets of celebrities and some of the funny ‘fake’ accounts that are out there, I don’t really understand why tweeting is different or better than status updates on Facebook.The trending topics was interesting simply to find out what is currently the topics of discussion amongst people on the Internet, but none of them really surprised me. I found that many of them simply are pulled from the headlines. For example, on the day I looked one of the trending topics was Lena Horne because she had just passed away. That isn’t really a huge revelation or anything. I’m not sure what Twitter has to offer outside of being a time waster. I did get a kick out of looking up anti-twitter websites to see if any existed. The best one was so simple and to the point. I also went on the Anti-Tweeting Blog and found a great example of a very uninteresting tweet.

I'm paying a library fine
Typed, not texted, on 11/11/2009 by twitterhater and filed under library, paying

I checked a book out of the library and forgot to return in. Now I owe fifty cents.

I hear this everyday not sure I need to go on Twitter to read Tweets about it too. It just doesn't have any informational or entertainment value to me.

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