Monday, May 10, 2010

Week# 11 Twitter

Armed with a bit of knowledge about what Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on this fast growing online phenomenon.

Even after exploring the site more then I have in the past I still don’t really get the appeal. Other then reading the tweets of celebrities and some of the funny ‘fake’ accounts that are out there, I don’t really understand why tweeting is different or better than status updates on Facebook.The trending topics was interesting simply to find out what is currently the topics of discussion amongst people on the Internet, but none of them really surprised me. I found that many of them simply are pulled from the headlines. For example, on the day I looked one of the trending topics was Lena Horne because she had just passed away. That isn’t really a huge revelation or anything. I’m not sure what Twitter has to offer outside of being a time waster. I did get a kick out of looking up anti-twitter websites to see if any existed. The best one was so simple and to the point. I also went on the Anti-Tweeting Blog and found a great example of a very uninteresting tweet.

I'm paying a library fine
Typed, not texted, on 11/11/2009 by twitterhater and filed under library, paying

I checked a book out of the library and forgot to return in. Now I owe fifty cents.

I hear this everyday not sure I need to go on Twitter to read Tweets about it too. It just doesn't have any informational or entertainment value to me.

Week#10 Library Thing

Do you see any practical applications for LibraryThing either at home or at work? Will you start using this site?

I’ve used LibraryThing off and on for various tasks in the past; to create booklists or when putting together displays etc. I’ve always wanted to set up an account, but haven’t. I think this is mostly because none of my friends use LibraryThing and many of the ‘things’ on the Internet I use because my friends use them too. Since you know working at the Library and being into books kind of go hand in hand I really think that sharing what you are reading or want to read is one of the best ways to share books. As a children’s librarian I often really like asking my nieces and nephews what books they’ve read that they liked or what they really want to read. LibraryThing would be great so that we could share that and would also really help when it came time for Christmas to know what they have already read or what kind of books they are currently interested in. I’m also in a book club with a group of friends and so it would be fun to see what else they are reading outside the book club. I think after doing this assignment I finally registered for an account. I thought it was really creative that they used book covers instead of encrypted words to verify my ‘humanity’. I am looking forward to building up my account and wasting my evenings looking up books I’ve read and want to read.

Week #9 Online Productivity Tools

Do you see yourself using these tools or will you stick to more traditional methods. If you were to use one of these tools regularly, which would it be and why?

I hate these products and I know hate is strong word, but that's how much I don't like them. So I will definitely be sticking to traditional methods. We learned about and used Google docs when I was in Library School and I just preferred to email using attachments then having a group assignment be worked on in Google docs. I think for Library customers these tools are especially helpful since they may be using computers in a variety of locations and yet their document would be available wherever they go. It is nice that these tools are available to everyone so those without traditional software still have access to a word processor. With the calendars they are nice, but I'm attached to my daytimer because I can take it with me everywhere and I don't currently have a phone or device that allows me to access the Internet at all times. Having my calendar online wouldn't really be helpful for this reason.

Week #8 Flickr & YouTube

Comment on the quality, entertainment value, or usefulness of the content on these sites.

Well Youtube is highly entertaining. I love Book trailers and spend a lot of time watching those on Youtube. I also have used Youtube for songs and rhymes for Parent Child Mother Goose so there is for sure a lot of useful content on there too.

Flickr really helped me in a lot of ways in my first few months as a new librarian. Those first few months can be overwhelming as you try and figure out everything about your position, the system you work in, your co-workers etc. In those first few months while I was still figuring things out I turned to Flickr to help me with the little things, so that I could focus on the big things. One incredibly helpful thing was using Flickr to help me come up with display ideas for both my kids and teen displays. It seems like a small simple thing, but when you are trying to take in a lot sometimes being creative and coming up with original ideas or being creative is the furthest thing from you mind, especially if you aren’t especially creative like myself. It is these little things that make sites like Flickr incredibly helpful and almost an invisible network for people with common interests or the same profession.

Week #7 RSS

Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? If not, where did you run into problems? If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you?

It was very easy to set up an RSS feed, which is great. However, I'm not exactly sold on using them myself. I'm really a browser when it comes to information-gathering. I like going to sites to see if they've been updated and think I'd probably visit my favorite websites everyday regardless of the RSS feeds. It's just how I prefer to surf the Internet and gather information. It sounds simplistic and I can see how RSS feeds would be simpler, but I don't know its just not as much fun. I'd also fear that I'd set up all the feeds and forget to check my Bloglines account and likely forget my account information.

Week #6 Google Universe

What do you like about the Google product? What do you dislike? Would you recommend the product to friends and colleagues?

I prefer the Google products to others on the Interent because I like the clean interface that tends to be consistent throughout Google products. I find that many of the others are to cluttered by too many other things, headlines, catergories (ie Trending Now), Ads etc. I also really like Google Earth, although at the Alberta Library Conference one of the key note speakers pointed out that there is this million dollar technology developed and one of the first things people look up on Google Earth is their house, which they could have just opened their front door and looked at for free. There isn't much I dislike about Google although I haven't used many of the products listed just because they don't appeal personally. I'm not a big fan of G-mail and prefer to use Hotmail, but I think that's because I started using Hotmail as a teenager and just got used to it. I would recommend Google to friends and colleagues especially if they are using the Internet to answer a reference question. I think because of the clean interface Google products aren't as intimidating as something like Yahoo.

Week #5 Social Networking

Why do you think social networking sites are so popular? What are the main appeal factors?

I think that social networking sites are so popular because it's an easy way to share information on a large scale. I know that I now know more about what is going on in the day to day lives of my friends because of status updates on Facebook. I wouldn't normally know for example that my friend in BC had gone to the Canucks game last night, because she wouldn't just send me an email to tell me that or I wouldn't share pictures of the cake I baked for my nephews b-day with everyone I know, but I can easily put it on Facebook and even if people don't comment it's still there for people to see. What I like most about Facebook is that it really is about sharing things with friends and its all in once spot. I can see statuses (which to me are a lot like Tweets), youtube videos, songs, reading lists, links etc all in one place and with all my friends at one time. I know that it can be seen as a time waster, but I think it really saves time for me personally and really is the easiest way to keep in touch with friends without having to write long emails that take time.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Week #4 Wikipedia

How easy or difficult was it to find articles that needed editing? Were the errors you found factual or grammar / spelling?

I was surprised that you didn't need a Wikipedia account to edit an article. One more reason to be slightly scared of Wikipedia. At feels like if you are willing to take the time to create an account you'd be more inclined to take editing an article more seriously. That is just a false security I know, but I still cringe a little at the thought of editing without an account. I went into an article about my favorite hockey team (Calgary Hitmen) and found the information accurate although the grammar (which is what I edited) wasn't great. While the information was accurate it wasn't extensive which was somewhat surprising. It talked about the head coaches, but gave little information about the assistant coaches, which is interesting since a number of the assistant coaches moved on to jobs in the NHL or are/were former NHL players, so I would think it would be worth mentioning.

I do use Wikipedia for Pop Culture information (actor bios, movie information) and on the reference desk if I am answering a reference question and usure of what exactly a customer is referring to I will go to Wikipedia to help provide context before doing serious searching in databases or in the catalogue. I think it has a role to play in that area although I would never use it as a definitive source (my Library School Profs drilled that into our heads the first day and clearly it stuck).

Week #3

A little behind, going to Hawaii will do that though :)

What are the advantages of storing, sharing, and tagging web content this way? What are the disadvantages?

I'll start by saying I'm not a huge fan of delicious. I find it a little too much for personal use. However, I do look at other people's accounts from time to time to see what they are reading and to find alternative sources for world news.

I think that the advantage to storing web content using delicious is that all the content is in one place and connected to related information. Unlike saving content to your favorites menu, you can use delicious and it's all there connected and personalized how you want it. Sharing the information is fun and interesting too. It a way to see what your friends/collegues are interested in and where they get their information about whatever. It's also a way to discover 'stuff' you might not have been aware of on your own. Since the Internet is so big it's nice to have something that can help simplify things. The advantage to tagging I think is it's personal so things are organized how your brain thinks and so it's easier to remember where things are when you are looking for something. However, this is both an advantage and disadvantage. Yeah personalized tagging is great because it's more intuitive as compared to subject headings etc, but it also means there is no standardization or consistency. This can makes things harder to find then they should be, or if things are mistagged make using delicious counter productive.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week #2

Which aspect of Web 2.0 are you the most intrigued (or scared) by?

I think the aspect of Web 2.0 that I am most interested in exploring is Wikipedia. I recently discovered the Community Portal section of Wikipedia and was surprised by all the sort of 'hidden' aspects of the site that I wasn't previously aware of. I found the collaboration by topic section interesting as well as the idea of Wiki Projects. Having never updated or contributed to a Wikipedia article before I think it will be insightful to do this and use that experience as a basis for further understanding all that makes up Wikipedia. On a side note I was also slightly scared to see that there is a Wikipedia Reference Desk that claims to work like "a library reference desk," but really just provides links to Wikipedia artilces.